Budget version of Wargreymon, minus the promo Agumon and sec+ Greymon.
Game plan is to build your stack in raising up to EX1 MetalGreymon with Yuuya and Nokia in play. Next turn you push up, go into MetalGrey X and Wargreymon. Yuuya gives +2k DP and an ADP effect, Nokia gives a memory cost reduction allowing you to keep turn and swing.
If executed correctly, Wargreymon will have 5 check (1 for itself, 3 via its effect, 1 from WarGrey X). Then go into Blitz omni for game. BT10 Omnimon X and X antibody are to help close the game if you can't get to 5 checks with Wargreymon.
The rest of the deck is just designed to search for what you need for the play or help clear the board of problematic digimon on the opponent's side.